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Malone Meets Marlo #2 by Bill Malone - DVD

Malone Meets Marlo #2 by Bill Malone - DVD

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Welcome to the wonderful card magic of Ed Marlo!

Ed Marlo, the genius of construction, and the incomparable Bill Malone, the brilliant performer, come together in this landmark anthology, as Bill performs and explains some of Marlo's finest contributions to card magic, compiled by Bill from Ed's writings and their personal sessions!

Join Bill as he guides you step by step through what will undoubtedly become the greatest and best collection of Marlo material...ever. "I'm very excited about this project and I'm sure Ed would have been as well!"
- Muriel Marlo


Spectator Cuts and Counts Down to the Aces - Watch this one close! You will use this!

One-Hand Control - Aces are lost and found using only one hand! Bill's handling of this hidden gem from The Cardician.

One Shuffle Eddie - Eddie at his best! Four Aces instantly reverse themselves throughout the deck with one shuffle!

Super-Clean Ace Assembly - A very convincing Ace assembly.

Casino Countdown - An apparent mistake turns into a hard-to-believe success!

A Twick as Lovely as a Twee - An idea you probably didn't know was Marlo's! Don Alan liked it so much, he put it in his act!

Interlaced Vanish - Three selected cards instantly vanish while trapped between the Kings! Marlo's handling of this great plot by Paul Harris.

Open Prediction - Bill's favorite of the Marlo methods.

Elevator Passengers / Penetration - Cards travel up and down through the deck like passengers on an elevator!

Touch Turn Poker - Four Aces magically reverse themselves one at a time then suddenly transform into a Royal Flush!

Marlo on the Memorized Deck, Part One - Idea 1

Marlo on the Memorized Deck, Part Two - Idea 2

The Vanishing Card - A selected card instantly vanishes from the deck and ends up under the spectator-she is sitting on it!

Miracle Ace Cutting - This one is impressive card control! An absolute brilliant classic from Mr. Marlo.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Andrew Pape
Great DVD

(of first two in collection)

Bill Malone is my favourite magicians due to his inimitable comedy combined with the fastest sleight of hand. If you are a self-confessed move-monkey like him, then you can't go wrong buying these. If you only know of Ed Marlo for a couple of simple moves, such as the Tilt (discovered after Vernon), or the Flexible Switchout, then you have no idea how prolific he was in the magic world. He taught Bill his tricks, and Bill is the best presenter. Great combination if you were doubting the title.

For those not into advanced sleights, Bill doesn't hold your hand. He does explain the mechanics of the tricks presented, and in fine detail, but you need to invest hundreds of hours to be confident with the material. The presentations are enjoyable, although not worth the cost in themselves. But they would still be worth the money if you not interested in doing the sleights but enjoy both the performances & explanations.

The DVDs are more advanced that the "On the Loose" DVD set, which is also excellent. The main difference is that the reviewed DVDs have nothing but Marlo tricks, all made to fool magicians. On the Loose is also fooling, but Bill mixed up the magic more, with some trick decks, etc, that will be familiar to hobbyists. But watch these DVDs and you'll be blown away as a hobbyist, and probably even if already a magician. So I would recommend the DVDs to all.

Most of the sleights presented are out of my current skill-set, but I have learned one trick in the last few hours, and learning just this one sleight is worth the price of admission. That's not to say I can't rewatch & rewatch, to learn new moves, which will make the DVD even more valuable.

Marlo published a couple of hundred quality tricks, and it would take a lot of time &money, to track down the sources and then learn tricks from text. You save money by having Bill Malone's brilliant visual displays to learn from, and make the most of Bill having learnt from Marlo. Thus these DVDs are not expensive.

As with the sleight explanations on Bill's On The Loose DVDs, I wish there was more repetition in the explanations, with slow-mos. I don't like having to rewind too many times, so take away one star... but don't complain because I can't immediately do the sleights. I like the challenge of trying.

To learn the tricks you need a good memory. I wondered how Bill could move card packets without accidentally mucking up and flashing a card. With my poor memory, I'm lucky to do one sleight trick without forgetting a detail. I wasn't surprised when Bill did a trick that required memorising the deck, and having quick recall. Not only is he a master of card manipulation, but also has the great memory required for these tricks. Fortunately, it's not necessary to remember a whole routine of sleight recipes unless you want to be a top professional magician yourself. Otherwise, there's much to gain from these DVDs.