Magic Mornings - Matrix Art
It's back!!! Tune in every week to catch Dean reviewing some of the latest magic effects from around the world. All products are available to order now from Piper Magic...
Magic Mornings - Matrix Art
It's back!!! Tune in every week to catch Dean reviewing some of the latest magic effects from around the world. All products are available to order now from Piper Magic...

Jason Ladanye joins The Assembly 2019
It is with great pleasure that I announce our third international guest for The Assembly 2019 is none other than Jason Ladanye. In 2013, Jason released his first book, Confident...
Jason Ladanye joins The Assembly 2019
It is with great pleasure that I announce our third international guest for The Assembly 2019 is none other than Jason Ladanye. In 2013, Jason released his first book, Confident...

John Carey joins The Assembly 2019
We are delighted that John Carey will be coming to Australia to perform at our convention! In recent years John has established himself as one of the most creative card...
John Carey joins The Assembly 2019
We are delighted that John Carey will be coming to Australia to perform at our convention! In recent years John has established himself as one of the most creative card...

Dan Harlan joins The Assembly 2019
Piper Magic is proud to announce that DAN HARLAN will be coming to Australia as our headline guest for The Assembly Convention 2019!!This is Dan's first ever visit "down under"...
Dan Harlan joins The Assembly 2019
Piper Magic is proud to announce that DAN HARLAN will be coming to Australia as our headline guest for The Assembly Convention 2019!!This is Dan's first ever visit "down under"...

MARCH MADNESS CLEARANCE SALE 70% off all end of line, aged & clear out productsSome of these items have NEVER been reduced before, but now they have got to go....
MARCH MADNESS CLEARANCE SALE 70% off all end of line, aged & clear out productsSome of these items have NEVER been reduced before, but now they have got to go....

We are giving it all away FOR FREE!!! Four days...
// FOUR DAYS ONLY //Begins Friday March 16th | Ends Monday March 19th It's FREE Gift time, and you won't believe the added value you can receive for four days only!At Piper...
We are giving it all away FOR FREE!!! Four days...
// FOUR DAYS ONLY //Begins Friday March 16th | Ends Monday March 19th It's FREE Gift time, and you won't believe the added value you can receive for four days only!At Piper...